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Tuesday 29 December 2015

How to earn 100 Dollars daily

If you have a PC with internet connection, then you can easily covert your time in to money by this method. In this method you will do nothing only you have to keep your PC on and connected with internet.


 Now follow this method step by step:

Step: - 01

First open this link http://www.adsptp.com/?id=12035

And create an account. After that you will be provided with a link, which will be your promotional link and also your referral link. Here you will earn points by promoting this link and in the end of month, these points will be converted into money. Copy that link and come to step 2.

Step: - 02

Create an account and then login to your account. Click on add a site. Then add your link of adsptp in this section and give title like make money , set CPC as 15 , then save it , now bring your mouse pointer on earn coins, a table will appear and then bring it to web surfing and then click on auto surfing . Auto surfing will start and your coins will increase. In this way your link will also receive views from other peoples. Now leave it running or minimize (-) it and come to step 3.

Step: - 03

Now open this link http://addmf.co/?QBNQOLP

Create an account and login to your account, click on add website and add your adsptp link here, here set CPC as 4 and save it. It may take some time for approval so, click on website hits and auto surfing will starts and your points will increase, now leave it running and come to step 4.

Step: - 04

Now open this link http://skylnk.co/AYVufT

Create an account and login to your account, then again add your promotional link of adsptp in this website and set CPC as 4 and save it. There is no auto surf on this site, so you will earn points by visiting one by one and you link will also receive views.

So on these three sites your link will receive visits. For every visit you will get 2 or 3points in adsptp and in the end of month these points will be converted into money. There rates are unknown but their average rate is 1$ per 1000 visits or 3000 points.

So daily run these three sites and earn points as many as possible. This is not a hard work and you will do nothing but your computer will do for you.

Daily 100 dollars

Run these three sites at the same time and try to get 500 views daily in this way your daily income will be 0.50$ , now get 500 referrals and their daily income is also 0.50$ in this way your income will be 125$ (0.25*500=125$). The promotional link is also your referral link so there is also chance of getting new referrals and you will get 50% points of your referral. For getting more referrals join more than 100 groups in Facebook like online jobs, make money online and looking for online jobs etc. daily make posts in these group but don’t post your link in these group because other peoples will not know earning method of this site, ask them for email id and then send them this method and change my links with your links.

Please keep in mind that in first month your earnings will be low, so don’t lose your heart and stop thinking about earning huge money from internet because if you do that then you will not be able to earn a single cent…try to get new referrals as it will be your main source of income.

This method is working for me and I hope it will also works for you.

Isn’t it what you were always dreaming of, making great profit online without doing almost any work and spending hours of time? 100% autopilot robot system.

Sunday 8 November 2015

How to generate over $5,000 a month on autopilot

It’s always refreshing to see new strategies to make money online. However, the majority of the time I’m pretty disappointed with the results.
When I was recommended to buy Google Sniper, I thought it would be another system that just left me disappointed, but the proof and success stories tipped me to buy it. A quick Google search for testimonials and by watching the sales video it was clear that this system has worked wonders for other people, and it’s actually generated the most online success stories than any other system/course to date. It was a no brainer to give it a shot personally.
At the time in my Internet marketing journey, I was pretty lost as to what road to head down. Google Sniper really outlays the basics, from picking a niche, choosing keywords, buying a domain to setting up a wordpress website which will generate passive income online. It’s an extensive guide, but it’s easy to pick up (the walkthrough videos by George help also).
I studied the strategy pretty extensively to start with, and created my first “Sniper” site the next day. I was pretty excited due to the success stories, but still had that common doubt that it would be another blowout. I made my first bit of commission two weeks later after setting up the site completely. It wasn’t a huge amount but it was something, and that was the trigger to skim through the course once more to see if I could improve my site in anyway. The site in question started to generate me a tidy amount of commission, and still generates on average $375 a month (on autopilot).
As I’ve been recommended many times before, “if something works duplicate it…” And that’s what I did. I now have about 10 sniper sites, all generating commission each month. Each site differs in the amount of money I’m making, but I can’t squabble as I’m on the hunt for more…
The best thing about this course is alongside earning a nice income each month from this system on autopilot with no traffic generation, it’s also an extensive guide into niche research, finding products to promote and how to set up your own website. Yes, it may need to be read through a few times, but believe me… It’s worth it
check out here

Thursday 5 November 2015


                                      wellcome to learnandearn123
 This blog is about different online business plans,softwares and tools. Online earning is a modern and easy way of earning money but it becomes difficult, when a person do not know anything and he only search the internet for online jobs, In this way he do not earn a single dollar. So do not search for online jobs, start your own business.
We are providing full training with tools for your business. Select any one, learn it and then earn money it is easy as 123. 
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